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The Second State Constitution

The Second State Constitution: Intro
The Second State Constitution: Other Projects


The first constitution of New Jersey was adopted on July 2nd, 1776. New Jersey was one of the earliest states to write its constitution and confirm its independence. It was written while the British were preparing to invade in 1777. The constitution was written in a rush within five days and ratified in two days. Thus it was short and brief. It was mainly designed to serve the farms and villages. New Jersey was changing after the Revolutionary War. Organized political parties emerged, immigrants increased in the state, and new roads and rails were built at a rate never before seen. Cities in New Jersey developed, and many new investments were carried out by the government and individual investors. This changed environment required a new constitution to handle these changes. Thus on June 29th, 1844, the second constitution of the state of New Jersey was adopted.

Much of the political structure of the 1844 constitution was carried into the 1947 document, which is the current document, and it has been amended several times.

The Second State Constitution: About My Project
The Second State Constitution: My Work
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