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The Battles of Trenton & Princeton

1776 - 1777

Historical Battles: Other Projects

The Battle of Trenton


"Tell General Sullivan to use the bayonet. I am resolved to take Trenton."

- George Washington



George Washington marched the US navy across the Delaware River

The battles took place during the American Revolution against the British until 1777. General George Washington won three battles that were the “turning points” of the American Revolution: one at Princeton & two at Trenton.

The story begins when George Washington’s Continental army (American army) was suffering during the Revolutionary War in 1776. Many of the soldiers withdrew from the army since the Americans were losing the war, and the weather was bitterly cold. But do you think that George Washington will give up? George Washington’s plan was to split the army into two different positions. He & Daniel Neil crossed the icy Delaware that night and the Americans were planning a surprise attack on the British in the battle of Trenton (See the image above).

General Ewing’s Men prevented the British army from escaping, Colonel Cadwallader’s Militia prevented the British army from arriving at the American troops, while Washington’s 2400 troops attacked the British army.

Note: Hessians were German troops that fought along the British side. Their main purpose of fighting this war was for MONEY.

The Americans killed 106 from the British army and captured around 916 soldiers as well as capturing 900 Hessians.

The British army were surprised by the attack especially when George Washington killed their commander Johann Rall. This incident led to the victory of the Americans in the battle of Trenton.

Historical Battles: Citations

A Letter from Trenton, 1776

December 27, 1776
Dear Mother,
Yesterday we were in the town of Trenton. We were attacking the Hessians.
We had to cross the Delaware River. It was cold and very late.....
Colonel Glover had problems getting all of us in the boats.
When we finally were in battle, I killed several Hessians. General Washington was very brave during this battle ...
I did not get a chance to ask him if I would be returning home after this battle, but soon found out that I wouldn’t.
Remember, no matter what happens, I will always love you. Write me soon and pray for me always.
Your son,

Historical Battles: About Me


George Washington went back to attack the British army at Princeton.

After the victory in Trenton, George Washington received a call that a huge number of the British forces that were led by General Cornwallis & Grant were making their way towards Princeton. Hence, George Washington had to return with his troops to Princeton and they arrived on January 1777, we can clearly see Washington's strong determination even at the hardest times.

General Cornwallis saw campfires and he thought it was coming from the American army, but it was Washington’s trick when he left 100 soldiers in the campsite to make noises, what a brilliant man he is. The rest of the America army made their way to Princeton where they met the British forces South of Princeton, and an aggression warfare broke out between them.

The American army would have been defeated if George Washington did not arrive on time. The Americans ended up winning the battle of Princeton as well. Finally, the battles of both Trenton & Princeton provided the army with supplies and put faith in the American forces during the Revolutionary War.

An interesting fact: during the battle of Princeton, many of the British army thought that they had killed George Washington, but we all know that they did not!

Historical Battles: Citations

George Washington

during the 10-day crisis

The British army chased Washington & the American army, thinking that they could easily defeat them. George Washington planned for the attack very well and carefully, especially after he saw that his army needed an emotional support, so he gathered all the available troops and went to Trenton to win the war and present the Hessians with a crushing defeat. After the victory in Trenton, Washington recrossed the Delaware river along with his captured Hessians marching towards Philadelphia. The British got frustrated and they went chasing George Washington planning on killing him. After Washington achieved his well-studied plans (See Princeton paragraph), the American army won both Princeton & Trenton battles.

Historical Battles: About Me
Historical Battles: My Work
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